Current News

Apple TV+, the streaming service arm of Apple, is enjoying a remarkable period of success with critically acclaimed shows. As of October 2024, Apple TV+ is five years into its journey, and instead of relying on subscriber numbers or brand recognition, it's making waves with its exceptional content l...


When it comes to streaming platforms, giant names like Netflix and Amazon often grab the headlines with their extensive collections of prestigious films. Yet, since "CODA" won the Best Picture Oscar, Apple TV+ has steadily been making a name for itself as a serious contender in the world of original...


Apple TV+ Moves Quickly with Popular Series

In a move that has delighted fans and critics alike, Apple TV+ has officially renewed the hit series Shrinking for a third season, even as the second season makes its debut. This decision reflects Apple's confidence in the show's continued success, sig...


Apple TV+ Enthralls with 'Disclaimer'

The critically acclaimed series, 'Disclaimer', is now streaming on Apple TV+, drawing viewers into a gripping narrative. Esteemed director Alfonso Cuarón helms the seven-part series, featuring the talents of Cate Blanchett as the lead. Based on the book of th...