A Disastrous Mistake: Losing 17 Years of Memories

/ Data Loss, SSD, Recovery, Photography, Technology

The Day Everything Changed

This unfortunate tale began when a tired individual woke up with the consequences of a night out, including a headache and a slew of missed calls. After seeing a virtual machine complete its benchmark test, the instinctive decision was made to reformat an SSD. However, in a shocking twist of fate, the wrong SSD was mistakenly wiped clean.

A Life's Work Erased

The impact of this error was profound, leading to the loss of 17 years of accumulated memories and work. Previously, this individual had a vibrant life as a photographer, videographer, competitive ballroom dancer, and a traveler who documented experiences across Asian Silk Road communities. The sudden evaporation of these cherished moments prompted an intense emotional response reflecting the weight of personal history tied to those digital files.

Lessons Learned

A crucial takeaway from this unfortunate incident is the importance of diligence when handling storage devices. It’s recommended, especially when multiple similar SSDs are present, to always double-check disk numbers and connections before proceeding with any formatting actions.

The individual also expressed a reality check regarding their current situation, mentioning soaring costs of living in Asia and the high price of electricity, contributing to their inability to afford cloud storage solutions. They do possess over 20 HDD archives, yet face limitations as those drives are narrowly designed for long-term, disconnected storage, and not all files are present on them.

In a world where data is a core part of our daily lives, accidents can have devastating effects, reminding us all to take the necessary precautions.

This story serves as a cautionary tale for anyone handling data storage and emphasizes the value of being meticulous in these technological processes.

Originally posted by Tenelia on Reddit.

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